You A Lie

Have You Ever Been Swalleueed Up? You A Lie 104 Live Show

Bryan Dana, Chris Boyd, Morrey Williams, Sherman "SirDeeze Dean

After a brief hiatus, we're back to crack jokes, talk about internet gossip and occasionally make a great point- possibly learning something along the way.

In this episode we discuss the 2024 season of great Swallowing presented by your favorite bishop TD Jakes amidst his controversial past times and company he keeps, also Vince Mcmahon in hot hot water amidst former employee allegations of S*xual abuse and abuse of power threatening a 10 mil$ netflix deal and a tiktok relationship coach with a controversial take on Black men being the most difficult to date! We are changing strategies on going live with you guys LIVE on youtube instagram and facebook so please excuse our hiccups as we get into the groove.   

We appreciate the continued support from all listeners and viewers, thank you for sticking with us as we grow!

Purchase the Merch its dope

As always, we appreciate all support, thank you for hitting that subscribe button!

Until next time,

You A Lie!